Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sheet Cakes

I finally have a computer up and running enough to b able to post on my blog. I feel lost with out my laptop. Its fixed, but I am missing the operating system CD. Unfortunately you can't just call Dell and ask them a question. Its a complete maze that I'm sure they create on purpose so they don't have to answer phone calls!

The first two sheet cakes were for a Bridal Shower. The only request was for black, red and white. I wanted to find a little more modern look than the traditional flowers and came up with this. I love how it turned out. My writing could improve.....

The following cake was for a 4 year old boy that wanted a Sportacus cake. He's a character off the PBS show Lazy Town. Unfortunately I did not realize he was a real person until about 10pm last night. I finished about 2:30am. Real people are MUCH harder to do. I'm happy with the result. I guess the proof is in whether or not the little boy recognized the face.  Just remember, its frosting people!

The last cake is a Chocolate Oblivian Truffle Torte. This is the second one... the first one ended up on the floor by one of my kids..... second kitchen please! After I acted like it was the end of the world, I made another one and all was well. The accents on top are white chocolate.

Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. I would have sworn I commented on this all ready. I am SO old.

    Anyway - once again the cakes are beautiful. And if I lived in your house I would knock cakes to the floor on purpose and then sit right down and eat them!
