Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas '09

Merry Christmas from the Browns! Here are the kids waiting patiently for our Christmas Eve dinner, back from our candlelight service.

It's our tradition to have a nice dinner on Christmas Eve, something special that we don't usually make. In the past it's usually been shrimp dishes, but this year Randy wanted to do Prime Rib. Thanks to a Christmas surprise by my Dad and stepmom, we made prime rib, twice baked potatoes, salad and homemade rolls. Unfortunately, I'm not really good at this picture taking thing yet so I didn't get pictures of our candle light dinner. It was fabulous, just trust me. I do have pictures of desserts.... I usually don't forget to take pictures of that.

I made Peppermint Cheesecake Truffles, Peanut Butter Cheesecake Truffles, Chocolate Oblivion Torte and a  Raspberry Roulade. Yummo as Rachel Ray would say.

This is what we enjoyed on Christmas Day, all snowed in with just our family. The meat and cheese tray was thanks to my Dad and stepmom again. They know the way to my boys' heart! All the goodies are thanks to friends and co-workers. We were abundantly blessed with treats this year..... thank you very much. I woke up this year planning my New Years diet.

I hope your day was very blessed as well.

1 comment:

  1. You're Christmas goodies look wonderful. Sure missed being with you. the first time in about 10 years I guess. I did bookwork all day and WD scooped snow. You should see the mountains of snow.Looks like we have a wall 10' high around us. A new year starts tomorrow. Wishing you blessings, prosperity and health.
