Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The first day of school...

Words cannot express how this day feels.... especially after a long hard and busy summer.

Ohhh the possibilities are endless. The great and amazing things I will be able to accomplish here, all alone, all by myself. (yes, I still have a husband, but that doesn't count, though getting anything done when he's around is another challenge)

Here is the fine group. I have one new high schooler... going into 9th grade, one new junior higher, going into seventh grade, and a new kindergartener. All the new and exciting things to come! The other three are in the sixth and second grades.

Lili was quietly, nervously excited about today. She's happy about her new shoes and clothes, backpack and her fixed up hair.... thank you, Grace. It's comforting to know that all those older siblings are in school with her. Thought she maybe quietly excited today, watch out teachers when she feels at home!

I am proud of them all and excited for the new year to come as they grow and mature in all kinds of ways. Looking at them here is like looking at them when they are sleeping... all the challenging and difficult stuff just falls away and is forgotten.

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