Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, being the great photo journalist that I'm not, I missed getting pictures of Thanksgiving Dinner. I missed the beautiful turkey that was moist and yummy thanks to Elise at Simply Recipes. The yummy dressing also thanks to her. I even used the broth from the giblets. That made me feel way cool and it was so good! We also had Emeril's Sweet Potatoes that has been come my yearly tradition. So yummy with the added orange. And here's what is left of the pies when I finally remembered my camera:

The pumpkin pie

I had to make for him. He discovered the love of pumpkin at about age 3 when all he ate for dinner was 3 pieces of pie.

That little slice of Peanut Butter Pie I made for the others. It was delish. Thank you, Mindee

The Sour Cream Raisin Pie

Don't ask me why blogger turned the photo sideways...
I made for my Dad

Here are some more pie lovers

We had a great time visiting with my Dad, my step-mom Von, and my nephew, Chance,

Here's all the kids with Grandpa and Chance has the black hair in back.

And I had to take a picture of Dad's shiny red pickup. He always has the shiniest pickup around.

It was a lovely day shared with family with much to be thankful for.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


So what do you do when someone calls you and says "I'm from such and such appliances and we have a refrigerator to deliver to you" and you didn't buy one? You cry. Well that's what I did atleast.

Who bought it for us. I have know I idea.

How did they know our old fridge was on the brink of death? Maybe they've seen it.

So what do you do when someone calls you and says they are delivering you a new fridge? You clean out the old one, scrub the nasty floor underneath and get ready for the new one and do a little happy dance!

It is such a surprise, but yet it isn't. Because you know who is really behind it all? My Heavenly Father. Why should I be surprised when he knows our needs and provides for them, exactly how he says he will. It should come as no surprise at all that he does immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. And its not the first time I've been so greatly blessed. So why is it so surprising and overwhelming each time it happens?

It's because I am so like the Israelites. Delivered from the bondage of the Egyptians, yet grumbling and complaining and in fear, not seeing the hand of God providing water from the rock and food from the sky.

I've been repeating over and over, "God works all thing for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." That would be ALL things, not some things. I need to wipe clear my ideas of how I think God should work and trust completely in Him, no matter what.

So, thank you Lord for the beautiful refrigerator and bless those that have so greatly blessed me.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sheet Cakes

I finally have a computer up and running enough to b able to post on my blog. I feel lost with out my laptop. Its fixed, but I am missing the operating system CD. Unfortunately you can't just call Dell and ask them a question. Its a complete maze that I'm sure they create on purpose so they don't have to answer phone calls!

The first two sheet cakes were for a Bridal Shower. The only request was for black, red and white. I wanted to find a little more modern look than the traditional flowers and came up with this. I love how it turned out. My writing could improve.....

The following cake was for a 4 year old boy that wanted a Sportacus cake. He's a character off the PBS show Lazy Town. Unfortunately I did not realize he was a real person until about 10pm last night. I finished about 2:30am. Real people are MUCH harder to do. I'm happy with the result. I guess the proof is in whether or not the little boy recognized the face.  Just remember, its frosting people!

The last cake is a Chocolate Oblivian Truffle Torte. This is the second one... the first one ended up on the floor by one of my kids..... second kitchen please! After I acted like it was the end of the world, I made another one and all was well. The accents on top are white chocolate.

Thanks for looking!