Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I forgot my camera

So I'm really not the picture taking type. It's one of the things I feel guilty about in this scrapbooking, memory making, journaling, blogging, documenting era we live in.  I'm sure there are full years in the lives of my children that have gone undocumented because I didn't have a camera in hand.

Yesterday we went to the lake. It was the first time the whole family has gotten to go. Our only mini vacation for the busy Summer. I made a note in my head to bring the camera, but failed to put it on paper. So, needless to say, I didn't remember it until it was too late.

If I would have had a camera in hand yesterday, this is what I would have photographed:

  • 4 boys sitting on a log together in front of the fire
  • Joel fixing fishing poles
  • Joel climbing 15 feet up a tree... fortunately it wasn't straight up, but over.
  • Joel buried in a hole in the sand, straight down, with his head poking up.
  • Cheryl in the water with all her clothes on..... actually you would have NOT seen that picture
  • Randy floating in a small tire tube, squished in with his butt only down in the water
  • Lili catching crickets and bugs for fishing
  • Carter in the water with his swimming trunks in his hands
  • And all the kids just having fun playing in the sand and water.

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